Created for my final project, my Question for Research and Exploration, at Trinity Forum Academy. This project drew on my teaching times on cosmology and neuroscience and my mentorship with Francis Collins.
As Christians approaching the natural world, our first instinct should be to worship—to worship God for His grandeur, and also for how He has given us the ability and mandate to understand His world and have dominion over it. This attitude of worship is less an end in itself as it is a posture to assume. And as we approach science through this posture of worship, we find that it reciprocates—the truths we uncover inspire wonder that compel praise of the Creator. In pursuit of this end, I have created a website that explores these ideas. I first look at how the drive to worship permeates the Scriptures that deal with the natural world. Then I see how this attitude of worship instills wonder in our hearts as we seek the Person behind the scientific truths. Having our minds infused with this wonder, I give crash courses in cosmology and neuroscience in hope that these can be approached in the posture of worship. And finally, I examine an issue that challenges attempts to bring harmony to faith and science: the question of origins. There I follow the arguments of two Christian scientists, Francis Collins and Darrel Falk, who seek a vibrant synthesis of the worlds of science and faith.
Click Here to View the Website
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Science as Worship
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